Max Design

Max Design Logo.png


Max Design is an Australian based game development organisation and was founded in 1991. The company started out by making their mark in puzzle games and later moved onto other different genres.

The company became well known for its challenging Business simulation games which to this very day has a huge fan base. The organisation became famous for its extensive game instructions and handbooks.

The company worked hard and co-joined with Sunflowers Interactive Entertainment to release the popular game 1602. This game went on to become Germany and Australias best selling game ever around its launch date selling over 2 million copies. The games sequel titles sold around 4.2 million copies as of April 2006.

However, an employee said in an interview that the team was ‘tired’ and needed some time for re-orientation, so now the company lies at a stand still.


a list of their orientated games include:

Think Cross



Hunt the Fonts

1869: Hart am Wind!


Old Timer

Clearing House

Strike Base

Anno 1602

Anno 1503

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